
What is Cyber security?

In today’s world, technology is a crucial part of everyone’s life. Either it is a business life or a personal life, everyone is taking advantage of technology in different ways. As we know that we can communicate with people around the world in few moments because of technology. So it’s obvious that Internet has made the world a “ Global Village ”. Technology has made our life very easier. But at the same time, we are now more conscious about the security of our data, information and systems from unauthorized access. As we know that where there is a lock, there exist a key too for that lock or vice versa. But people can also break the lock by illegal means without having correct key. So here we need to think that how we can make the lock more secure and powerful in order to prevent necessary information. So here comes the concept of Cyber security in Computing World . Cyber security is a combination of two words i-e Cyber and Security . The word Cyber relates to computer o